#SenInspirasi kali ini saya memilih pembelajaran dari pertemuan 21 pembicara di TOSS IDEAS. Nama eventnya mungkin masih terdengar asing. Wajar memang, karena ini adalah edisi perdana. Tapi untuk mempermudah gambarannya, bayangkan saja TEDX. Nah lebih kurang seperti itulah.
Meet the expert, catch some ideas, and have fun. Frase yang menggambarkan betapa menariknya TOSS IDEAS. Penuh makna, inspirasi, dan tawa. Bersama 21 pembicara, ada 21 ide segar yang mereka lemparkan. Dan di #SenInspirasi kali ini, saya akan berbagi singkat 21 insight yang saya dapatkan dengan versi bahasa inggris. Karena memang, seluruh pembicara menggunakan bahasa inggris.
- Prie GS
Have a meaningful life with heuristic. Heuristic is skill to solve problem by yourself.
- Hendra Gunawan
Become un-insult-able with SI-PI-TOE-NG. 1) Separate incoming information 2) Put it right 3) Take ownership of our empowerment and 4) Not Gue, human being
- Maida Novriza
Being vulnerable. Because vulnerability can connect people or things. Believe that, state of life with worthiness
- Andra Donatta
Hope = optimist + wish
- Wirzal Taufiq
Choose your value with “value tree”, and live your highest value.
- Nurmanalita Wibowo
Easy plan to manage money with 3 step. 1) Knowing what you want 2) Different between need or want, and 3) Financial action
- Doc Zee
To keep healthy, make spiritual connection with Allah. If we don’t connected with Allah, how Allah wil help us?
- Dewi Aliah Ashuro
Become rising star or complacement worker. Rising star is choice. And every choice have consequences. Rising star is lifelong journey. Go your own way. I know what I want, not what I compare to other
- Weni Febriani
Actually, millennials is not instant generation, but fast generation. And dear millennials, you are not live alone. Be respect and polite with older generation
- Arih Budi Utomo
Public speaker is train, not born. And great public speaker have inner content delivery. What make you different with others?
- Enny Rahmita
Have a amazing slide presentation to bigger impact. Practice design, not decoration
- Fay Irvanto
Leader-ship. There are 27 quality charismatic. 3 of them is : competence, conviction, and congruent
- Iwel Wel
Me and my English. Try, try, and try. Make resolution by your self. Speak English when public speaking maybe.
- Moekti P. Soejachmoen
Culture shock with our culture happened when we back to hometown. So keep connect with them, adaptive, and prepare to back.
- Eka Wartana
Make simple way of our life. Understanding the nature. A life for a life
- Iis Anthea Laksmi
Have a good breathe. Focus and breathing exercise.
- Prasetya M. Brata
Make abundant collaboration. Disrupt “yourself model” before disrupted. Example, build “Rumah Bersama” to discuss each other.
- Juanda Rovelin
Avoid “alayer” from Facebook. There are 3 type of aundience in Facebook : engager, clicker, and converter
- Irvan Irawan Jie
Humanizing Entrepreneurship. Treat other like you want to be treated
- Arief Risman
Choose good word. Different word, different response
- Arief Eko Prasetyo
Happiness come from inside and will effect to outside
Well, ini adalah event inspiratif. 21 pembicara menghadirkan 21 ide segar. Kesamaan visi yang saya hadirkan di Proyek Kebaikan nantinya. Coba deh bayangkan, jika setiap dari kita disibukkan dengan Ide Kebaikan dan merealisasikannya. Maka tak ada lagi waktu kita disibukkan untuk mencaci maki sana sini. Kritis tentu boleh. Tapi kritis solutif tentu lebih dibutuhkan. Setuju?
Yap, sampai juga lagi di event inspiratif lainnya ya.
Ohya, kalau kamu ingin ikut #SenInspirasi, silakan klik di sini ya. Belajar berbagi inspirasi dari tulisan yang bersumber dari bacaan, pertemuan, dan perenungan. Salah satu ide segar saya bagi negeri ini. Semoga suatu saat nanti dapat kesempatan berbagi di event seperti TOSS IDEAS ya. Insya Allah.
Keep writing, always inspiring!